A Place For Perpetuance

 Hi~ this is something made and maintained for those who are able to genuinely care about exploring the complexities within and the grand-operations that exist throughout everything, and can progress further to utilize and advance their communities. The driving idea is to encourage moral contemplation among Humans regardless of current beliefs, with Faith being a developed attribute and not a prerequisite for understanding “Truth” in our reality.


Mild Disclaimer

This is a light personal essay written in an afternoon and lightly edited afterwards, with the hope of helping some others to identify internal moral complexities in their own lives. This is not any sort of doctrine and it contains parts of older ideologies. I try to be careful with this because of many reasons. I need to repeat that this is a personal writing and is not intended to impose on anyone, but hopefully help in some way someone who is already searching for more to consider on their journey.

There are risks and results of real moral discussion in a publicly shared forum and it should be again noted that this post is to be for those who are already searching for it as a sort of assist.

If you find this and disagree with it, please keep this to yourself.

If you find this and agree with it, please keep this to yourself.

Thanks in advance…


On to it

I will keep this as brief as I can. It should be noted that this Human regularly makes non-optimal decisions. Keep that in mind while internalizing this piece.

“What is true and what else is stirring within every single one of us?” is a simple version of the question that I, and others who I have known, try to understand and sustains hope for a continually better future through slow personal progress and actions in our existence. That may seem like a stretched or vague claim, but it’s real if that is what you consider in your daily life…

I have no smooth drop into these ideas, so I will just state plainly that I believe the seven vices (Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath), and the seven virtues (Faith, Fortitude, Hope, Justice, Love, Prudence, Temperance) that were identified and described long ago are really the most simplified and effective way for us to think about our day-to-day personal and social morality and our duties as capable Humans.

Only you are able to really identify these active elements within you, and it’s relatively easy to do so if you actually take the time daily to set yourself apart from most things except for music and openly, but cautiously, engage all of what’s inside you. Take some time to think about your thoughts and both your previous and future actions to understand what you do and do not have natural control of within you.

Expanding on the practical implications of vices and virtues in our reality, I believe that we are three, entangled within each of us that can be further examined as many parts. These main three are the ones that are closest to the surface of us and can be learned to be understood.

                The survivor, predator, and origin of our vices

                The sacrifice, giver, and origin of our virtues

                The observer, self, and final projector

It’s important for us to consider all three as equals even though the final one bears all of the responsibility for outcomes. They will not naturally have equal influence within your self, but a new form of communication within oneself will come with time after considering these ideas.

Simply put, that’s all I would really say to someone if I wanted to attempt to benefit their life in a real and lasting way. Take it or leave it, I hope my words bring only some long-term positive change to your life, however, the events of our lives are constantly hammering us into different outcomes, so I can only hope…

There is consciousness with greater awareness and capacity than Humans.

Keep spheroids on your mind.

Have a good one.






The stories will always change~